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The Scoop on Newborn Poop: A Hilarious Guide to Diaper Duty!
From sticky situations to diaper blow-outs, join us on this wild ride of diaper-changing adventures! We’ll prep you for all the different colors and consistencies your little one might be producing and how to survive diaper duty.
Hypnobirthing: What is It?
Hypnobirthing can sound strange, to some. But what is it really— and is it really hypnosis?
The ARRIVE Trial and Why Birth Professionals Are Talking About It
“A Randomized Trial of Induction Versus Expectant Management”: all about the results of a study looking at labor induction and outcomes.
What Does Medical Consent Mean?
Absolutely no treatments or medicines, even if with the best intentions, can be given to a birthing person and their baby without their consent! Learn strategies to advocate for yourself during birth.
The Pros & Cons of Circumcision
Whether or not to get your baby circumcised is one of the most controversial decisions you’ll have to make. Read on to learn about the pros & cons of circumcision to help you make an informed decision for your family!
What is HypnoBirthing?
HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method is a philosophy and method based on the understanding that birth is a normal, healthy biological function.