Swaddling 101

Swaddling 101

Once you find out that you are pregnant, you probably immediately take to the internet, YouTube, and even your favorite parent/family bloggers on social media for advice on what to do with your growing baby. There are so many things to figure out down the line, like what kind of stroller is right for you and which kind of playing mats are the safest. But you’ve probably also been searching for information on how to comfort and quiet your little one, which would lead you to swaddling. Parents often swaddle their little ones for many reasons, but if you want to know why and even how to do it yourself, keep reading! 


Swaddling is a traditional practice of wrapping up a baby in a light blanket to help them feel calm and secure while they sleep. When your baby is in the womb, they are in a snug and secure space, so the idea of swaddling is to replicate that feeling of being in the womb. Swaddling helps newborn babies cry less and sleep more soundly since they are not startling themselves awake due to the Moro reflex. Of course, this will depend on your baby because, just like adults, babies all have different likes and dislikes! 


Swaddling is safe and beneficial to newborn babies when using safe sleeping practices; things like keeping no extra blankets or pillows around them, watching for overheating, and having your baby in their own crib. It is recommended that once your baby starts to reach the age where they are trying to roll over, you should stop swaddling them. Your baby should always be placed on their back when swaddled. If they can start to roll over this puts them at risk of rolling onto their stomach and can double their risk of SIDS.


If it’s your first time swaddling, it can seem a bit tricky! Don’t worry, we are always here to help! What you will want to watch out for when swaddling is that the blanket is not too tight to restrict all movement but not too loose that it will come undone while they are sleeping. If their hips and knees are swaddled too tightly it may cause hip dysplasia. Here are the steps to swaddling to help you get started! 

Step 1:

Lay the blanket in a diamond shape and fold the top corner down to the center of the blanket. Place your baby on top with their neck above the top fold. You do not want their neck or head wrapped in the swaddle.

Step 2:

Next, straighten their left arm, pull the side of the blanket around them, and tuck it in between their right side and ride arm, leaving the right arm free.

Step 3:

Fold the bottom of the blanket over their feet and tuck it behind their left shoulder. Make sure you are leaving enough space for their legs to be able to move freely. Their legs should be able to fall into a natural position to avoid hip problems. 

Step 4:

Hold their right arm down and bring the last blanket corner around them, and then tuck it in behind them. Check out this video if you would like to see swaddling in action! 

Parents have been swaddling their babies for ages, and it is a great way to soothe your little one. If you are preparing for your birth and need help navigating your choices in birth and early parenthood, send us a message!


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